第19届杭州亚运会国际象棋团体赛 中国男女队横扫对手


[转自“中国国际象棋协会”] 10月5日,杭州第19届亚运会国际象棋项目在杭州棋院(智力大厦)棋类馆展开了团体赛的第七轮的较量,经过激烈的角逐,中国男队和女队均以大比分击败对手。

中国女队对阵印度尼西亚,除了朱锦尔弈和对手外,剩余的3盘比赛中国棋手全部胜出。具体的交战中,侯逸凡对伊雷妮·哈里斯玛 苏肯达尔,双方在前半盘兑换大量棋子后,手握白棋的侯逸凡在通路兵的攻势下逼迫对手认输。谭中怡对切尔茜·莫妮卡·伊格内西亚丝 西希特的对弈中,执白的谭中怡从对局开始便不断蓄力,步步为营。最终,谭中怡在后车的配合下将杀对方。朱锦尔与对手梅迪娜·瓦尔达 奥利亚兑换了大量棋子,双方在残局中谁也没有冒险,在重复中弈和。翟墨与乌米 菲萨比利拉的对局结束较晚,虽然中国队在大比分上已经获胜,但是翟墨并没有因此速速弈和,而是在通路兵的攻击下获胜。



China’s Men’s and Women’s Chess Teams Sweep Their Opponents at the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games Chess Team Tournament

[From “China Chess Association”] On October 5th, the 19th Asian Games Chess Tournament started its 7th round at the Hangzhou Chess Academy (Intelligence Building) Chess Hall. After fierce competition, both the Chinese Men’s and Women’s teams defeated their opponents by a large margin.

Facing Indonesia, the Chinese Women’s team won all 3 remaining games, except for Zhu Jiner’s draw with her opponent. In the specific matches, Hou Yifan faced Irene Harrisima Sukendayal from Indonesia. After exchanging a large number of chess pieces in the first half of the game, Hou Yifan, playing as White, forced her opponent to resign under the attack of her passed pawn. Tan Zhongyi, playing as White, accumulated strength from the beginning of the game against Cher-C-Monica Laguna Sicat Sechet. Finally, with the cooperation of her rooks, Tan Zhongyi checkmated her opponent. Zhu Jiner, after exchanging a large number of chess pieces with her opponent Medina Warda Aulia, did not take any risks in the endgame and played a repetition, resulting in a draw. Zhai Mo’s game against Umi Fisabili Rila ended later. Although the Chinese team had already won by a large margin, Zhai Mo did not rush to a draw. Instead, he won under the attack of his passed pawn.

In other matches, Kazakhstan drew with India, Hong Kong lost to Vietnam with 1 win and 3 losses, Uzbekistan won 3 games and drew 1 against Thailand, the Philippines narrowly defeated the UAE with 2 wins and 1 draw, and Mongolia won 4-0 against South Korea. In the match between China Men’s team and Thailand, the four Chinese players showed great enthusiasm. Wei Yi won the first game, constantly creating difficulties for his opponent Bin-Lauharawibar, which resulted in Bin-Lauharawibar spending a lot of time thinking. Finally, under the strong attack of Wei Yi’s passed pawn, Bin-Lauharawibar held on until the 38th move before conceding defeat. Xu Xiangyu followed closely, and he won as expected against Dinajiti Arun Nandapbani in a complicated endgame. Bu Xiangzhi and Ma Qun, determined to defeat their opponents, finally won against Thana Duangern, and Warawuth. As a result, the Chinese team defeated the Thailand team by a score of 4-0. After this round, the Chinese Men’s team’s ranking rose to 4th place.

In other matches, Iran narrowly defeated Mongolia, India won 1 game and drew 3 against Vietnam, Uzbekistan won against South Korea, the Philippines defeated Bangladesh, Kazakhstan beat Hong Kong 4-0, and Kyrgyzstan received a bye.




